1950 1366   View in the St  Gotthard Pass, Switzerland


"Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it." — Pericles, 495 - 429 B.C.


We believe in freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and all other freedoms that emerge from the freedom intrinsic to human nature.

Ralston College exists, in part, to hold a space for those freedoms to be understood and exercised. We provide the opportunity, the community, and the stimulus to think deeply and freely and productively, and to discuss ideas without censure—and to make associations and connections, pursuing themes across literature, philosophy, science, history, music, and art. Our commitment to freedom of thought also extends to freedom of access, with courses available worldwide online, and to assisting those with socio-economic barriers to access higher education.


It is our aim to inspire young people with the principles on which true freedom and a life worth living depend.

Only free from rigid ideological orthodoxies can the next generation regenerate all sectors of our culture—the economy, politics, the arts, philanthropy, media, and the academy. Only independent minds can discern how to preserve the best of our past while thoughtfully tackling the many complex problems we face today and will face in the future. Ralston College offers a genuine alternative dedicated to renewing the forms of thought, life, and culture on which human realization depends.

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“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”

Frederick Douglass


Challenge yourself to explore big questions, free from the lengthier demands of a degree, through our online short courses, on a range of humanities subjects. 

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Education and conversation free from censorship, cynicism, and corruption matter. Ralston College is a place for them to happen, for human flourishing and building anew.