
Ralston College is fundamentally a place for asking questions and exploring the answers, however difficult that may be. 

What is Ralston College?

Ralston College is at once a revival and a reinvention of the traditional university. It is a fellowship of humanistic inquiry for anyone, anywhere, who seeks the truth with courage. 

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What programs does Ralston College offer?

We offer a Master’s in Humanities, online short courses, as well as events both in person and online, with other programs and degrees to follow over time. 

Where is the College located?

The College is located in Savannah, Georgia.

Does the College have any political or religious affiliations?

No, the College is fiercely non-partisan.

Does the College have a policy on freedom of thought or freedom of speech?

The College has an absolute commitment to freedom of thought and speech. It also expects its students and staff to behave reasonably and courteously, in a manner befitting a community of free and intelligent people.

Is Ralston College public or private?

Ralston College is a private institution of higher learning incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia. It accepts no government funding.

How can I contact Ralston College?

Please write to us at: or Ralston College, P.O. Box 8302, Savannah, GA 31412-8302

How can I support Ralston College?

Please see our giving page for details. We are very grateful for your support.

Is Ralston College hiring?

Please view our Employment Opportunities for openings; or, if you would like to send us a CV for consideration, you may write to us at  We regret that we cannot respond in a timely manner to every enquiry.

Where does the name 'Ralston' come from?

Suggested when the dream of Ralston College was still merely that, the name Ralston comes from a now much-missed figure in Savannah's intellectual and cultural community. Known for his good-humour, and an infectious love of literature and music, William H. Ralston Jr was a man who believed we are all worthy of redemption and transformation. It is an honor to bear his name, but the College is not affiliated with his estate.

Does Ralston College have a motto?

The College has two official mottoes: ANIMUS CRESCAT and SERMO LIBER VITA IPSA.

Is Ralston College able to grant degrees?

The College has been authorized for operation and awarded degree-granting powers by the State of Georgia.

Is Ralston College accredited?

Ralston College is seeking accreditation from the New England Commission of Higher Education, and was authorized to publish the following statement on November 16th, 2023:

“The New England Commission of Higher Education has determined that Ralston College is eligible to proceed with an application for candidacy for accreditation within two years. A determination of eligibility is not candidacy or accreditation, nor does it indicate a likelihood of eventual accreditation. Questions about eligibility and the accreditation process should be directed to the President of the Commission.”