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A Renaissance Choral Concert:

Palestrina, Allegri, and Plainchant

  • Past Event
  • Dates
  • Past Event
    Thursday, February 23rd at 5:30 PM
  • Location
  • St John's Church, 325 Bull Street

Please join us for an evening of Renaissance music led by Fr Robert Mehlhart, OP, the Director of Music and Organist at the Theatine Church in Munich, where he leads the Vokalkapelle, founded in 1482 as the choir to the Bavarian Royal Court. Fr Mehlhart is also a lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich, a composer of masses and motets, and a scholar of plainchant, also known as Gregorian chant. The repertoire features major works by the great Roman Renaissance composers Gregorio Allegri (“Miserere mei, Deus”) and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (“Missa Emendemus”), as well as the plainchant from which these works sprung. 

To register for this free event, please sign up here.


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