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What is English and How do We Know?: A Question Answered by Dr Joshua Katz – Thursday, November 30th at 5PM

  • Past Event
  • Location
  • 26 East Gaston Street

What is English and How do We Know?  

If you think you know what English is, you're probably mistaken. Come find out why so seemingly simple a question is in fact not elementary at all.  

Please join us for a lecture by Dr Joshua Katz, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, at 5PM on Thursday, November 30th at the Athenaeum, 26 East Gaston Street.

About the Speaker

Joshua T. Katz is a Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Prior to this appointment he was Cotsen Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Classics at Princeton University. A graduate of Yale, Oxford, and Harvard, he is widely published in the languages, literatures, and cultures of the ancient, medieval, and to some extent modern world. He is also a regular contributor to such publications as City Journal, First Things, The New Criterion, and The Wall Street Journal. While he has received many national and international awards for his scholarship and his teaching, he is perhaps proudest of being named a Hero of Intellectual Freedom by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in 2020 and winning the Jeane Kirkpatrick Prize for Academic Freedom in 2023.

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