RalstonCollege Heraldry AchievementofArms 2

Ralston College proudly unveils its official achievement of arms

News 1st June 2023

Ralston College proudly unveils its official achievement of arms, the heraldic symbols illuminated in the manuscript pictured below and described on our website.

In the spring of 2022, the most senior heralds of Queen Elizabeth II devised and conferred upon Ralston College these honorary arms, which will make their ceremonial debut during the College’s inaugural graduation this Saturday.

These unique armorial ensigns establish both our identity and our lineage. They recall the coats of arms worn by medieval knights, and they signal our intellectual descent from the first universities, born of the Middle Ages.

Moreover, they represent the high ideals that belong not only to Ralston College’s students and faculty but also to you, as a member of our community.