
James R. Otteson

is the John T. Ryan Jr. Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Notre Dame, as well as the Rex and Alice A. Martin Faculty Director of the Notre Dame/Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership. He is also a Research Professor at the Center for the Philosophy of Freedom at the University of Arizona, a Senior Scholar at the Fund for American Studies, and a Research Fellow of the Independent Institute. He has held positions at Wake Forest, where he was the Executive Director of the BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism, and at the University of Alabama, Georgetown University, New York University, and Yeshiva University, and has also served as a member of the visiting faculty of the Tikvah Institutes. Among his books are Actual Ethics (for which Dr Otteson received the 2007 Templeton Enterprise Book Award) and Adam Smith’s Marketplace of Life, both of which were published by the Cambridge University Press, as will be his forthcoming monograph The End of Socialism. Dr Otteson’s work has as its central focus the endeavor to discern and articulate the conditions that make it possible for human beings to live together in peace and to flourish more generally. He regards human beings, and indeed the universe as a whole, as fundamentally rational in nature, and is deeply opposed to attempts, especially those on university campuses, to restrict free enquiry.


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