 Stephen Wolfram

Dr Stephen Wolfram

 is a scientist, language designer, software architect, business leader, author, and educator.  He is the creator of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha and the Wolfram Language, and the author of A New Kind of Science and other books.  He was educated at Eton College and the University of Oxford, and received his Ph.D. in physics from the California Institute of Technology in 1979 at the age of twenty.  In 1981 he became the youngest recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship.

He founded Wolfram Research in 1987, of which he has been CEO ever since.  After an early academic career in physics and cosmology, Dr Wolfram began a long-term project to define a new direction in science concerned with exploring the computational universe of possible programs.  His work in basic science has had broad influence not only in science, but also in technology and the arts.  Dr Wolfram's technological creations have been the basis for countless inventions and discoveries over the course of several decades, and are used at every major university and by millions of people around the world every day.  Dr Wolfram has been a pioneer in defining computational thinking, and in providing tools to apply it to a broad range of fields, including education.  Dr Wolfram has led a variety of educational initiatives for students from middle school to graduate school, including the Wolfram Summer School, founded in 2003.  His work in science and technology has successfully brought together many disparate disciplines, and gives him a unique perspective on the possibilities and opportunities for future education in the liberal arts and beyond. 




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