is National Endowment for the Humanities Professor of Byzantine Studies and Professor of History at Saint Louis University. He has taught at Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Hillsdale College, and Florida International University and has held research fellowships at the Free University of Berlin, University of Munich, All Souls College at Oxford, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington. Dr Treadgold has published ten books and numerous articles on Byzantine, medieval, and late ancient history and literature, including A History of the Byzantine State and Society, Byzantium and Its Army, The Byzantine Revival, The Early Byzantine Historians, and The Middle Byzantine Historians. As he has become increasingly disturbed by the decline of both political tolerance and academic quality in colleges and universities, he has articulated his concerns as articles in Commentary, The Weekly Standard, The Wilson Quarterly, and Academic Questions. His most recent book, The University We Need: Reforming American Higher Education, lays out a sane and quantitatively-informed plan for an overhaul of academia, emphasizing curriculum reform as its central goal.