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 JonathanPageau RalstonCollege February2024 2

Jonathan Pageau: Cosmic Symbolism and the Metaphor for Self-Discovery

Podcast 12th April 2024

Jonathan Pageau Jonathan

Ralston College presents a lecture by Jonathan Pageau. 

The lecture took place during the third term of Ralston College's MA in the Humanities in spring of 2024.

The Medieval Church approached the world through a "microcosm within macrocosm" worldview which imbued social forms from image making, geography, architecture, to liturgy and storytelling.  This Cosmic vision was apocalyptic in that it did not primarily dwell on the mechanics of scientific processes, but dwelled especially on Cosmic meaning, purpose and finality.  By looking at the Medieval images of the Last Judgement and how it connects to its Biblical inspirations, we can map out the implications of the Medieval worldview and explore its use for us even in the modern world.


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Images Mentioned in this Episode 

  • The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, Torcello, Italy: The Last Judgement, Apse Mosaics
  • Church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy: 6th century Mosaic
  • The Basilica of Saint Sabina, Rome, Italy: Wooden door panels depicting The Ascension
  • Ascension of Christ, Rabbula Gospel Book (fol. 13v)
  • The Monastery of Apollo at Bawit, Egypt
  • Chapel of the Domus Galilaeae, Israel
  • Russian the Last Judgment Icon (Novgorod version, 15th century)


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