
The Homeric Society

The Homeric Society recognizes leadership gifts made each year.

Gifts from The Homeric Society sustain and expand academic programs, enhance student life, recruit accomplished faculty, increase financial aid, and provide resources for new programs.

Athenian — $100,000 or more
Odyssean — $50,000 – 99,999
Penelopean  — $25,000 – 49,999
Telemachean — $2,500 – 9,999

To recognize those whose philanthropic support does so much to advance our mission, we offer members of The Homeric Society an invitation to an annual member-only reception, invitations to special events, and opportunities to engage with college leadership.

The Horatian Society

The Horatian Society recognizes estate and planned gifts.

Members of the Horatian Society have included a philanthropic legacy in their financial or estate plan.

The Marlovian Society

The Marlovian Society recognizes consistent support for the areas of greatest need across the College. Society members are recognized for giving in three consecutive years or more.

The Virgilian Society

The Virgilian Society recognizes extraordinary philanthropic commitment.

Members of the Virgilian Society are acknowledged for outstanding charitable support of $10,000,000 or more in their lifetime. The transformational nature of their philanthropy affords them recognition in perpetuity.

Nova Creatio

The foresight and generosity of donors who contribute $25,000,000 or more is recognized with Ralston College's highest honor: Nova Creatio (Founders) for shaping the institution’s future. These visionaries underwrite the cornerstone academic programs which may include support for campus facilities, permanent endowment, and operations.  Nova Creatio benefactors are committed to an educational vision that enables students to lead lives of self-knowledge, freedom, and substance. 

To learn more about giving societies at Ralston College, please contact


Education and conversation free from censorship, cynicism, and corruption matter. Ralston College is a place for them to happen, for human flourishing and building anew.

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