RalstonCollege Matriculation 2024 3

Class of 2025 begins Term II in Savannah

News 24th October 2024

Students who will make up Ralston College’s third graduating class matriculate, begin Term II in Savannah 

The students who will make up Ralston College’s third graduating class today underwent their matriculation ceremony, enrolling themselves into the College community.  

Before President Stephen Blackwood and the faculty who deliver the Master of Arts in the Humanities program, each matriculand swore communal allegiance to truth (veritas), freedom (libertas), beauty (formositas), and fellowship (sodalitas) throughout the course of their studies. 

After the oath, students were invited to sign their name in the Matriculation Book.

The first weekly formal meal of Term II followed the ceremony, which took place at one of the campus’ main buildings in Savannah known to students as Anthenaeum.  


About Ralston College’s Class of 2025  

The College’s new cohort of students includes a classical trumpeter, a mathematician, an architect, a filmmaker, a horse breaker, a prospective Navy SEAL, an aspiring veterinarian, a computer scientist, and a textile entrepreneur, among many others.  

The class arrived in Savannah in mid-October following eight weeks of study at the College’s campus in Greece where they learned to read and speak Ancient and Modern Greek.  

Each student brings to the Master of Arts in the Humanities program bold intellectual ambition, unrelenting curiosity, boundless energy, and the courage to meet the challenges of doing the hard thinking our time demands.  


Who should apply to Ralston College?  

Graduates of Ralston College have brought to their studies a depth of academic and professional experience from the realms of arts, science, mathematics, engineering, music, psychology and criminology. 

Before being accepted to Ralston College, they graduated from a range of schools–national, international, public, and private–including several Ivy League institutions such as Yale and Columbia.

The College’s alumni have secured full-time employment in academia and the industries of arts, technology, business, media, publishing, marketing, medicine and law.