RalstonCollege Graduation 2023 2

Ralston College celebrates historic commencement

News 3rd June 2023

Our first students were today admitted to the degree of Master of Arts in the Humanities.

Ralston College’s inaugural commencement, presided over by Chancellor, Dr Jordan Peterson, honored the achievements of 22 students who in a single academic year mastered ancient and modern Greek while also delving into more than 30 of the most profound, difficult, and beautiful works of Western Civilization.

Founding president Stephen Blackwood congratulated Ralston College graduates at a ceremony at St John's Church in Savannah before their families and friends.

"Our commitment to the liberal arts finds its fullest expression in the young men and women who are now our first alumni," he said.

"Through their unfettered intellectual exploration of the greatest works of art and thought that our culture has to offer, they have demonstrated their commitment to what is highest and best."

Ralston College is a first-of-its-kind liberal arts university in Savannah, offering a rigorous one-year Master of Arts in the Humanities degree.

The first term is a Greek language residency abroad. Three terms in Georgia follow: the focus is first on the ancient world, then turns to the Middle Ages, and finally to the post-medieval and contemporary eras.

Through the 2022-23 academic year, students also enjoyed lectures from more than 30 visiting scholars and accomplished musicians from around the world.

In addition to excursions throughout the Lowcountry, weekly formal dinners together, and an academic symposium, Ralston College students staged Euripides’ Bacchae before hundreds of Savannah residents, relying on a Ralston student’s translation from Greek to English.

“Ralston College is an institution resolutely committed to the revival and reinvention of higher education and our first convocation reflected this relation to, and renewal of, tradition,” President Blackwood said.

“Thank you for your support of this new beginning, the first fruits of which we were so very proud to witness on this momentous occasion.”  

In addition to providing full-time academic instruction, Ralston College also hosts a free, public lecture series. The College’s podcasts, available on multiple platforms, have reached millions.